19-06-2018, 11:37
Hola a todos, le estoy formateando un pc nuevo a un amigo que tiene un plotter, el sp300v.
El portatil usa windows 10 pro (el que le he metido, tiene otro pc con windows 10 y le va perfecto).
Que ocurre, que necesito el instalador del versawork. No recuerdo como se lo instalé la última vez y ahora no se donde descargar el ejecutable.
Entro al centro de descargas de Roland
- color - versacamm selecciono el modelo del plotter y me aparece para descargar driver etc y roland versaworks local update,
Roland VersaWorks Local Updater ver5.51
le pincho y me salen actualizadores pero como tal el versawork no
Local Updater for Roland VersaWorks
exe file for Roland VersaWorks Ver.5.51
[Model] :AJ-1000, AJ-1000i, AJ-740, AJ-740i, FP-740, BN-20, LEF-12, LEJ-640, LEC-540, LEC-330,
LEC-300A, LEC-300, RS-640, RS-540, SJ-1000EX*, SJ-1045EX, SJ-745EX, SJ-645EX, SC-545EX,
SC-545EXW, SJ-540*, SJ-540EX* SJ-640*, SJ-640EX*, SJ-740*, SJ-740EX*, SC-540*, SC-540EX*,
SP-540V, SP-540i, SP-300V, SP-300VS, SP-300*, SP-300i, VP-540, VP-540i, VP-300, VP-300i,
VS-640, VS-540, VS-420, VS-300, XC-540, XC-540MT, XC-540W, XJ-740, XJ-640, XJ-540, BN-20,
RA-640, RE-640, XR-640, XF-640, VS-640i, VS-540i, VS-300i, LEF-20, RF-640, RF-640A, RT-640, GS-24,
*A USB Dongle key is required to run Roland VersaWorks.
This is to upgrade Roland VersaWorks whose PC is not online. You can download an execute file to upgrade it to the latest. Installer runs automatically when you double click the downloaded exe file.
When the version of your Roland VersaWorks is below 3.00, you need the three separate operations for upgrading. It needs to be upgraded to Ver.3.0 first by using RVWUpdater30.exe, and then it needs to be updated to Ver.5.0 by using RVWup501.zip, finally you need another upgrade operation to the latest version.
Note; You need to reinstall Roland VersaWorks or Roland VersaWorks Dual printer port and set up the printer, if you cannot add a file to the job list from an image-editing software after Windows OS is updated.
Please refer to below manual.
No se si me explico
Espero respuestas
El portatil usa windows 10 pro (el que le he metido, tiene otro pc con windows 10 y le va perfecto).
Que ocurre, que necesito el instalador del versawork. No recuerdo como se lo instalé la última vez y ahora no se donde descargar el ejecutable.
Entro al centro de descargas de Roland
- color - versacamm selecciono el modelo del plotter y me aparece para descargar driver etc y roland versaworks local update,
Roland VersaWorks Local Updater ver5.51
le pincho y me salen actualizadores pero como tal el versawork no
Local Updater for Roland VersaWorks
exe file for Roland VersaWorks Ver.5.51
[Model] :AJ-1000, AJ-1000i, AJ-740, AJ-740i, FP-740, BN-20, LEF-12, LEJ-640, LEC-540, LEC-330,
LEC-300A, LEC-300, RS-640, RS-540, SJ-1000EX*, SJ-1045EX, SJ-745EX, SJ-645EX, SC-545EX,
SC-545EXW, SJ-540*, SJ-540EX* SJ-640*, SJ-640EX*, SJ-740*, SJ-740EX*, SC-540*, SC-540EX*,
SP-540V, SP-540i, SP-300V, SP-300VS, SP-300*, SP-300i, VP-540, VP-540i, VP-300, VP-300i,
VS-640, VS-540, VS-420, VS-300, XC-540, XC-540MT, XC-540W, XJ-740, XJ-640, XJ-540, BN-20,
RA-640, RE-640, XR-640, XF-640, VS-640i, VS-540i, VS-300i, LEF-20, RF-640, RF-640A, RT-640, GS-24,
*A USB Dongle key is required to run Roland VersaWorks.
This is to upgrade Roland VersaWorks whose PC is not online. You can download an execute file to upgrade it to the latest. Installer runs automatically when you double click the downloaded exe file.
When the version of your Roland VersaWorks is below 3.00, you need the three separate operations for upgrading. It needs to be upgraded to Ver.3.0 first by using RVWUpdater30.exe, and then it needs to be updated to Ver.5.0 by using RVWup501.zip, finally you need another upgrade operation to the latest version.
RVWup551.zip (585MB) -- Ver5.01 or above user
RVWup501.zip (690MB) -- from Ver3.00 to Ver5.00 user
RVWUpdater30.exe (420MB) -- below Ver3.00 user
Note; You need to reinstall Roland VersaWorks or Roland VersaWorks Dual printer port and set up the printer, if you cannot add a file to the job list from an image-editing software after Windows OS is updated.
Please refer to below manual.
No se si me explico
Espero respuestas